Aran R&D is a publicly traded engineering firm specializing in the design, engineering and manufacturing of FDA certified and CE Mark approved medical devices and equipment. Aran is under contract with FreMon Scientific to complete manufacturing engineering of the fully tested ZipThaw202 and ZipSleeve prototypes as tested by the New York Blood Center.
To best understand the importance of dry, lightweight, portable and rapid (under 14 minutes for multiple bags) warming and thawing of chilled or frozen blood and tissue products that is easy to use, reduces wasted products, and eliminates cross contamination Aran sent a representative to the San Diego Blood Bank for two full days of real-time observing of donor vein to patient vein processing, chain of custody control, documentation requirements and actual transfusion of plasma, whole blood and stem cells.
Real time observation and inquiry will assure best design for easy nearly foolproof operation of ZipThaw and ZipSleeve. Who knows better than physicians, technicians, nurses and transfusionists of the best practices and needs for improved and safe transfusion and transplantation of critical blood products? We look forward to rapid CE Mark and FDA submissions as we prepare ZipThaw and ZipSleeve for eventual distribution.

San Diego Blood Bank VP William Davey meets with Aran R&D’s Dana Lovinger

Learning on the ground about real-time blood banking needs

FMS and Aran refuel after a long day