ZipThaw and ZipSleeve at Dubai MedLab

ZipThaw and ZipSleeve at Dubai MedLab

FreMon Scientific is now all set up at Medlab 2020 Dubai. If you’re in the region, please join us to see ZipThaw and ZipSleeve in action.

Here are photos taken by co-founder Fred Thacher:

On our way to set up FreMon Scientific booth at ArabLab. Nicolas carrying ZipThaw202.
On our way

Getting ready. Nicolas Azar prepares a display.


Almost finished.


Nicolas and Fred ready for ArabLab 2020. Off to get coffee. Rosemary O’Toole arrives shortly to fill out the FreMon Scientific crew. Only 3 of us this week.

Ready for the attendees. Imagine what this space was like 28 hours ago, totally raw. ZipThaw202s are working well. Notice they are fully operational and will be so for 4 long days at 10-11 hours. It’s a great test of the device’s quality standards. ZipThaw202 on the right already met the challenge during Arab Health.