Effective for COVID-Convalescent Plasma

We’ve just finished the research that demonstrates how thawing COVID-Convalescent Plasma with ZipThaw preserves plasma antibodies. Read the white paper.

CCP White Paper January 2022

CCP White Paper January 2022


ZipThaw has been demonstrated to be effective for thawing Covid-Convalescent Plasma so that the frozen, and then thawed, convalescent plasma maintains its antibody benefits for COVID-infected patients. Read the white paper: Efficacy-of-Thawing-CCP-using-ZipThaw202.pdf

FreMon Scientific CEO Dr. Farideh Bischoff says, “We’re very excited to start the New Year with a white paper highlighting the benefits of using ZipThaw and ZipSleeve to thaw precious life saving blood products. Circulating coagulation factors and antibodies are retained when thawed using ZipThaw202 is just the beginning!”