Kaiser Permanente

Yesterday Linda Fabian, Director National Accounts and Fred Thacher, Chief Development Officer, demonstrated ZipThaw® to more than 8 Kaiser Permanente Hospital blood bank and lab technicians, managers and directors.

ZipThaw performed flawlessly, thawing a 285ml bag of FFP frozen at -30C° faster, easier and safer than the other brand seen in the background.

(Please note the distilled water, toxic cleaning agents, huge footprint, wet sink and towel storage needed for the hot water bath device which must be deep cleaned and sanitized weekly. ZipThaw just needs to be plugged in, that’s it.)

The staff shared their enthusiasm for ZipThaw and eagerness to purchase multiple units.

Bigthanks to the Lab Director, Lab Manager and technicians for their questions, observations and thoughtful comments. Within minutes they were operating ZipThaw. This is a highly skilled and dedicated team. FreMon Scientific looks forward to the installation and training to come.

For a quote, please contact us at info@fremonscientific.com