Presenting ZipThaw™ to the Nat’l Cancer Institute, the Armed Services Blood Program and more

Last week CEO and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Farideh Bischoff, and Director of National Accounts Linda Fabian, traveled to the East Coast to present ZipThaw to several government and military health institutions. It was a great trip; we’re grateful for the enthusiastic interest in ZipThaw and for their recent purchases.

In DC, Virginia and Georgia, Farideh and Linda presented ZipThaw to the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health, to the Armed Services Blood Program at the Defense Health Agency, and to scientists at the Winn Army Community Hospital.

Please see photos below. Contact us at to learn more about ZipThaw.

For our first stop, we visited the Blood Lab Team at the Winn Army Community Hospital in Fort Stewart, Georgia. We’re thank them for inviting us to their facility to demonstrate the value of the ZipThaw plasma thawing device.

Linda Fabian entering the Winn Army Community Hospital in Fort Stewart, Georgia.

Then we went to the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health. We’re thankful they  requested a demonstration of the ZipThaw to thaw viral vector:


Linda Fabian demonstrating ZipSleeve.


Linda Fabian with a loaded ZipSleeve.

Farideh and Linda with NCI NIH clinicians.

Then we visited the Defense Health Headquarters where we demonstrated ZipThaw to COL Audra Taylor, Division Chief, Armed Services Blood Program, and LT Tamara Clayton. Branch Chief, Armed Services Blood Program.

Farideh with COL Audra Taylor and LT Tamara Clayton.

Linda and Farideh