FreMon Scientific team members and investors have been presenting ZipThaw to a very receptive audience in Dubai at the massive Arab Health trade show.
We’ve met with purchasers across the globe and also had a successful visit at the Children’s Hospital to demonstrate our advanced plasma thawing technology. Check out the photos of ZipThaw’s biggest introduction yet.
Rosemary O’Toole, investor in FreMon Scientific, and Cherine Gohary, distributor, prepare to demonstrate ZipThaw202 and ZipSleeve advances in plasma thawing at Arab Health in Dubai:
Prafs Shah, investor in FreMon Scientific, demonstrates to a visiting physician attending Arab Health in Dubai to ZipThaw202 and ZipSleeve benefits for delivering safely and rapidly thawed plasma to patients:
Nicolas introduces the Medical Staff of Latifa Women and Children’s Hospital to the most advanced plasma thawing technology in ZipThaw202 and ZipSleeve:
Jim Pilkington, investor in FreMon Scientific, discusses ZipThaw202 and ZipSleeve warming and thawing technology with a visitor from Oman who is attending Arab Health in Dubai:
Cherine Gohary, distributor for ZipThaw202 and ZipSleeve in the Gulf States, presents ZipThaw202 and ZipSleeve technology to two family practice physicians attending Arab Health in Dubai: