Camp Pendleton Naval Hospital

It was another busy week at FreMon Scientific. In addition to presenting ZipThaw to the Naval Medical Center San Diego, Fred Thacher and Linda Fabian also demonstrated the ZipThaw dry plasma thawing medical device to Dr. Ginn and her team at the Camp Pendleton Naval Hospital.


Naval Medical Center San Diego

This week FreMon Scientific Co-Founder Fred Thacher and National Accounts Director Linda Fabian toured the Naval Medical Center San Diego and demonstrates ZipThaw to its clinicians. NMCSD is a world class hospital that cares for service members, veterans and their families.


GenesisBPS selling ZipThaw in North America

FreMon Scientific is thrilled to partner with GenesisBPS to sell ZipThaw across North America. The ZipThaw plasma thawing system dramatically upgrades delivery of life-saving plasma. Unlike heavy water baths prone to contamination; ZipThaw is a dry, accurate, low-maintenance device that’s light enough to carry.



Egypt Medica Show with ZipThaw

Purchasers at the Egypt trade show, Egymedica, are seeing ZipThaw in action at the Miralab booth. We’re excited about all the action at the front of the booth including reporters from Egyptian TV. We’re busy fielding private and public requests for demonstrations and information.

Egymedica (more…)

ZipThaw in Egypt

Egymedica ( is this May 27-29 at the Cairo International Convention Center in Egypt. MiraLab will be at stand Number F6 to present ZipThaw and ZipSleeve. If you’re in Cairo, please stop by to learn more about ZipThaw.


100% Quality Control

We had a great session yesterday at the Minnetronix facilities in Minnesota which manufactures ZipThaw. We do quality control testing for each and every ZipThaw before it’s shipped to a blood bank, research facility or more across the world.

ZipThaw undergoing 100% QC testing at Minnetronix.



ZipThaw is AABB Standards Compliant

FreMon Scientific is pleased to announce that ZipThaw, a dry, portable plasma thawer, is officially AABB Standards Compliant.

The AABB, the international association for advancing transfusion medicine and biotherapies in more than 80 countries, thoroughly evaluated and approved ZipThaw for the AABB Standards Compliant Product Evaluation Program, known as SCoPE.



ZipThaw in Texas

We went to Texas to present ZipThaw to a civilian hospital and senior military medical staff. It was a great trip and we’re excited for the positive feedback and purchases.

CEO & CSO Dr. Farideh Bischoff and National Sales Director Linda Fabian were invited by the Director of Laboratory Services to demonstrate ZipThaw to blood bank clinicians at the Methodist Hospital Texsan.


Researching mRNA thawing

Please see photos below from recent ZipThaw research in San Diego.

Preparing ZipThaw at the San Diego Blood Bank for testing a new application, mRNA recovery following freezing and thawing. With the ability to control the rate of thawing using ZipThaw and ZipSleeve, we hope to demonstrate optimal recovery of mRNA from a frozen state within minutes.


Presenting ZipThaw™ to the Nat’l Cancer Institute, the Armed Services Blood Program and more

Last week CEO and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Farideh Bischoff, and Director of National Accounts Linda Fabian, traveled to the East Coast to present ZipThaw to several government and military health institutions. It was a great trip; we’re grateful for the enthusiastic interest in ZipThaw and for their recent purchases.

In DC, Virginia and Georgia, Farideh and Linda presented ZipThaw to the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health, to the Armed Services Blood Program at the Defense Health Agency, and to scientists at the Winn Army Community Hospital.


New ZipThaw Brochure

New ZipThaw Brochure

As we’ve refined and updated ZipThaw, we’ve now released a new brochure to keep up with the changes and findings. ZipThaw now thaws to two present temperatures — 15°C for ice-free thawing — and 31°C for transfusion. We also recently conducted studies thawing Covid convalescent plasma and found that ZipThaw preserves maximum antibody levels.

Please download the new brochure.

ZipThaw in the news

We’re delighted with the media attention after Congressman Richard Neal, Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, toured Boyd Technologies’ facility and saw ZipThaw and ZipSleeve in action. Boyd is our manufacturing partner in Lee, Massachusetts for ZipSleeves — a state of the art protective sleeve with special sensors that precisely measure plasma temperature. ZipThaw is the world’s first plasma thawing medical device that is dry, light-weight, accurate and easy to use.

Here are some outtakes and links to the news stories.
Berkshire Eagle – Neal Lauds Lee’s Boyd Technologies for Perseverance – Congressman Richard Neal Visits Boyd Technologies – Congressman Neal Tours Boyd Technologies

ZipThaws Ready for Shipping

ZipThaw devices are ready for shipping to blood banks, hospitals, distributors and others in the USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Thailand, Qatar, Kuwait, Argentina, Israel, Sweden, Norway and Mexico.

All ZipThaw202s are assembled and manufactured in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA by Minnetronix under contract with FreMon Scientific. All ZipSleeves are manufactured in Lee, Massachusetts, USA by Boyd Technologies also under contract with FreMon Scientific.

Dr. Farideh Bischoff, FreMon Scientific CEO and Chief Science Officer, and the entire FreMon Scientific Team wish to thank both Minnetronix and Boyd for their outstanding teams of dedicated staff. Their years of medical product design and manufacturing expertise help make the most advanced blood products warming and thawing technology possible. Together we save lives.
